We know our supporters are as disappointed as us with Monday’s judgment which failed to hold the CPS accountable for the devastating drop in rape prosecutions.
We urge women across England and Wales to continue this fight with us by:
1 Responding to the Home Office’s current consultation on its national Violence against Women and Girls Strategy by 11:45pm on 26 March 2021 https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/violence-against-women-and-girls-vawg-call-for-evidence. If they are flooded with responses all echoing the same concerns, it will be hard for them to ignore – ask the government to act on the recommendations in our joint report, The Decriminalisation of Rape here
2 Demanding the CPS waive their legal costs. The £75,000 CrowdJustice funds we raised came from the pockets of survivors, activists and those working with victims. EVAW and CWJ could use these funds to continue to help women get justice after rape. Please email the CPS via the feedback form( https://contact.cps.gov.uk/forms/feedback/) and tweet Max Hill @MaxHillQC @CPSUK & @attorneygeneral
Suggested tweets
I gave to @crowdjustice to get justice for survivors of rape but the @CPSUK have still not even explained why rape prosecutions have collapsed. @MaxHillQC @attorneygeneral waive the costs and let @CWJ and @EVAW continue to fight for justice #rapejusticenow
If @MaxHillQC @CPSUK & @attorneygeneral are serious about ensuring survivors of rape get justice then why take £££ from charities fighting for justice? Waive those fees! #rapejusticenow
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