The Department for Education (DfE) has issued a call for evidence on updating how primary schools deliver relationships education (RE) and secondary schools deliver relationships and sex education (RSE), both of which will become compulsory in all schools in September 2019. The call for evidence also includes questions on introducing Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE).
It’s really important to respond to this call for evidence
It’s really important EVAW members and supporters respond to this consultation – making the case for gendered, high quality relationships and sex education which is a vital in tackling violence against women and girls. EVAW, and in particular members of our prevention network, have been calling for this for many years and now there’s an opportunity to ensure that what is introduced is effective.
EVAW Response
We have responded to the consultation, and you can use our answers to help you frame your response. It’s important to share any experiences you have of delivering relationships and sex education in schools and the impact it has. The more examples the better.
Here is EVAWs response and some tips for your response.
The call for evidence is an online survey with 7 questions at: https://consult.education.gov.uk/life-skills/pshe-rse-call-for-evidence/
The deadline for submissions is Monday 12 February at 11.59pm
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