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How the media reports on violence against women and girls (VAWG) can play a vital role in ending this abuse. Help us recognise the journalists and writers helping us move closer towards a society without VAWG.

Nominate a piece for a 2024 award!
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Nominate a piece for an award in 2024!

The media’s reporting of violence against women and girls can play a vital role in ending it. It can increase our understanding of this abuse and challenge its place in society. But as we see all too often, it can also reinforce victim-blaming attitudes and beliefs that violence against women and girls is a normal part of life.

We know that violence against women is not inevitable, and that by shifting our collective attitudes and beliefs and addressing the inequality that underpins them, we can create a world without this abuse. That’s why together with our member organisation Zero Tolerance, we’re recognising journalists, writers and content creators who report on violence against women responsibly, sensitively and accurately.

We’re particularly interested in pieces which represent voices not often heard, for example Black, Asian, and ethnically diverse people; LGBT+ people; disabled people; and people from rural communities; and/or people from working-class/lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

We need your help to find the very best writing in each of our award categories:

  • Best news piece
  • Best feature
  • Best opinion and comment
  • Best blogpost or self-published article
  • Wooden Spoon (a harmful trend or theme in reporting on VAWG)

We will also be awarding our experts’ pick: broadcast. Please note we are not accepting nominations for broadcast media pieces.

Click here to find out more about our award categories and what makes a good article

Nominate a piece for a 2024 award!

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